
Suspicious File Analysis Through ThreatExpert

Services online virus scanners like VirusTotal and VirScan will help us to do the scanning of a file, our results show whether the file is sent contains a virus or not. With the aim of roughly the same with both services, ie to identify whether a file is malicious or not, also provide services ThreatExpert checking files online with dikirmkan analyze files and provide reports of analysis of the workings of the file when run, including a possible connection done.

When we want to analyze the files by ThreatExpert, we uploaded through the submit page on the website or can be via a desktop application to ThreatExpert Submission Applet. In this process we are asked to enter our email address unless you already have an account and login to ThreatExpert. Once the files have been uploaded, ThreatExpert will process the file and the analysis or the report will be sent as an attachment via our email address entries. In the email also included a link to view the report online instantly.

Resulting from the analysis, we are given information and the level of safety findings, and also the technical things about the file, such as possible security risks encountered, change the file system, memory and registry are done when the file is run, and also other things such as server related or host name contacted and the access URL.

Picture above is one example of analysis reports for the virus infected files are originally eagle can be seen on this page.

If one day we found a suspect file for viruses, trojans, or spyware with a specific cause strange behavior on Windows computers, but not be recognized by various anti-virus that we use, we might try to send the file to be analyzed by ThreatExpert, and from analysis The resulting technical we can try to overcome the problems caused manually.

- File Analysis Through ThreatExpert

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